Cereal Wiki
Apple and Cinnaman - Characters

Apple and Cinnaman were two superhero mascots for the breakfast cereal Apple Cinnamon Cheerios in the early 90's.


Apple and Cinnaman are two superheroes who work together to help protect kids from having their boxes of Apple Cinnamon cheerioes from being stolen by criminals. In their first adventure, they defeated some crooks after a children's box of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. In subsequent adventures, they repeated thwart Sprinklegator, an alligator in a jump suit who became a villain in order to get Apple Cinnamon Cheerios (which he loved the flavored sprinkles of, hence his name).


Apple is a little more nervous of the two, while Cinnaman has a much more aggressive personality (often insulting Apple for his assumption that people might prefer the apple sprinkles over cinnamon ones). Usually, Apple is the one to address the problem with Cinnaman providing a solution.
