Cereal Wiki
Cereal Wiki

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character that was created in 1928 by The Walt Disney Company, who is also known as the mascot for Mickey Mouse-themed cereal products.

Mickey's Magix[]

Mickey's Magix

Mickey's Magix was a breakfast cereal that was manufactured by Kellogg's in 2002 after a partnership with Disney. It was star-shaped cereal pieces with marshmallows. It was supposed to turn your milk into blue.

In 2003, the marshmallows were revised, and the milk would now turn purple instead of blue.

Mickey Mouse Magic Crunch[]

Mickey Mouse Magic Crunch

Mickey Mouse Magic Crunch was a breakfast cereal that was manufactured by Post Cereals. It was star-shaped and Mickey Mouse's Head-shaped cereal pieces. It was introduced in 1989, and was discontinued in 1991.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Berry Crunch[]

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Berry Crunch

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Berry Crunch was a breakfast cereal that was manufactured by General Mills. It was berry-flavored cereal pieces. It was introduced in 2007.

Disney Kitchen Mickey Mouse[]

Disney Kitchen Mickey Mouse was a breakfast cereal that was manufactured by Kellogg's. It was introduced in 2018 as part of Mickey Mouse's 90th Birthday. It was only available in the European market.

Disney Kitchen Mickey Mouse

Nice! Mickey Mouse Honey Nut O's[]

Disney Nice! Mickey Mouse Honey Nut O's

Nice! Mickey Mouse Honey Nut O's was a breakfast cereal that was manufactured by Walgreens. This cereal was exclusive to Walgreens stores. It was honey nut flavored cereal pieces.

Nice! Mickey Mouse Toasted O's[]

Nice! Mickey Mouse Toasted O's was a breakfast cereal that was manufactured by Walgreens. This cereal was exclusive to Walgreens stores. It was toasted o-shaped cereal pieces.

Nice! Mickey Mouse Toasted O's
